You Are Valuable

Look around, what do you see!?
Me, I see a wonderful person who is going to change the world with one smile at a time. A person who is beautiful inside and out. Someone is very special and valuable.
Now, you may think wow thank you so much or yeah right you have no idea what I’ve been through. Well I have some news for you. It doesn’t matter because you are valuable. There is nothing you can do to taint or increase your valuable. Why is that? Because value is found in the beholder. And who is your beholder. Well depending on who you allow to speak value into your life plays a major roll. Are you allow that still small voice say to you every morning how beautiful and amazing you are, or are you allowing society to tell you who you are.
This brings me to main point, we must be careful who speaks into our lives. Why? Well, I don’t know about you but I enjoy encouragement and praise. It makes me feel good, and it does help me feel victorious. Everyone I know loves encouragement, so be cautious and selective on who speaks to you and gives you value.
For me, the only that gives me my value is my big heavenly Daddy. I know there is nothing I can do or say to taint my value. Why? Because his wonderful son came to earth and restored the value for us forever. I always have value in His sight because I’m defined by Jesus’ value. Who’s value is defining you?

2 thoughts on “You Are Valuable

  1. gabycompres says:

    Yes. Our worth doesn’t depend on us nor it can be taken away from us. Jesus defines us.

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